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Talk at AIT, UoP
Date: 30 Dec 2013

This Winter of 2013 I visited my alma mater: the Army Institute of Technology, University of Pune, where I completed my undergraduate program in computer engineering (back in 2010). While over the years I was keeping in touch with my professors at AIT, I realized that I was not keeping in touch with the students, and the freshmen when I was a senior at AIT grauduated in this Spring of 2013 that just went by. So the purpose of the visit was to get in touch with the students by speaking to them about the kind of work they were doing and giving them a brief introduction about the kind of research I was engaged in. Further, I showed them a few glimpsses of what it is like to do research at UC Irvine.

It was great to see that the students there are still ambitious in their work and are working on projects ranging from the role of data and computer science in creating sustainable living environments to figuring out complex AI based secure systems. It was also exciting to present my own work to the students and tell them how a lot of my current work was inspired out of my own capstone engineering project that I worked on as a senior at AIT. This led into a quick discussion about research works, espeically in Software Engineering and at UCI.

Overall, it was a good visit and a great oppurtunity to present my own work and learn about the latest happenings at AIT.

The slides that i used for this talk/discussion can be found here

Tags: talk AIT Software Engineering PhD

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